Eating healthy food has been trending for quite a while now, but how exactly has this trend fared over the years that have passed? All you have to do is to walk into the aisles of a supermarket these days, and you will be amazed at the variety of organic foods on display for you. Organic foods are no longer those foods that you get in limited quantities, no; in fact, there’s a rather large selection of them to cater to your every whim.
Looking At The Growth Of Healthy Food Industry By Grundy
Looking At The Growth Of Healthy Food Industry By Grundy

Of course, it is no surprise, then, that the healthy food industry has grown by leaps in bounds in the last several years. In fact, there was a time when the word ‘organic’ seemed to convey images of foods that were exotic; now, they are really quite commonplace. That doesn’t quite mean that organic food is less expensive; on the contrary, the process of buying organic foods is rather dear as compared to purchasing the regular produce. Not that the people who buy these natural foods are complaining, though. They know that they are paying a premium for something that is one hundred percent worth it. After all, if you have the money to spend, why wouldn’t you wish to spend it on your good health?

Of course, the Internet has had a great role to play where it comes to this rapid surge in the growth of the healthy food industry. After all, when you have the likes of celebrities who swear by these health products, then why would you not wish to jump on the healthy food’s bandwagon yourself? That being said, premium healthy food is no longer looked upon as being the food of the elite. The common man, too, can choose to spend wisely and stock up on healthy food that will benefit him as well as the members in his family.

The consumer today is someone who is most intelligent. He or she is well aware of the nutritional value of foods in the market, as well as the overall health risk. It’s only a given, then, that they will opt in for the healthier variants of food as opposed to the ones that pose serious health risks. Of course, this also means that a food manufacturer cannot simply get away by making grandiose claims. For instance, if a food is rich in sodium then they cannot market it as a healthy food simply because it is also rich in whole grains. Of course, their claims have to be credible, if they want to catch the attention of that discerning health freak.

Of course, this does not mean that things like French fries and sodas will be off the menu. They will remain; however, the aspiration for those healthy foods will also remain.
Nowadays, the way people look at food itself has changed. You will find that people out there look at food as being of medicinal value. Why take medicines, when so many ailments can be prevented by simply eating healthy, green and organic food that has medicinal value itself? Thus, we can see a noticeable shift towards the ‘natural’. Towards eating like we were meant to, like in the times way back when there was no processed food of any kind and ancient man ate from the trees and from the ground.
So, what are these healthy foods, really? Well, these include those that are GMO-free, are all natural and have no artificial coloring or flavors. Also, foods that are functional – and this includes food that is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals; food that can reduce disease and promote good health.

Remember here, that we are no longer talking about mere‘fads’, like the eating of everythinglow fat in the nineties. No, eating healthy has a far greater import now. People realize that eating healthy is the smart choice and a habit that needs to be cultivated as a lifestyle. They might go to the gym, but they realize that it is most important that you eat healthy, where it comes to shedding those unwanted pounds.
Of course, the rising demand in the organic food industry has led to there being a dearth in supply at times over the last few years. There is an absolute need for quality suppliers of organic food in the United States, and also a stronger network of organic food distribution and sales. Of course, there are great changes that are being made in lieu of this and this will only mean that the organic food industry will see an exponential growth in the years to come.

There has been a massive cultural shift towards healthy eating in the last few years and while this might be a big reason for the growth of the healthy food industry, the very fact that more healthy food is available now than ever before, is also one of the important reasons that there has been such good growth in the healthy food industry. In fact, you can now find reasonably priced organic food items at all the local food stores and there are more organic options than ever before in the grocery and big box stores.
What’s more, large corporations like Walmart and Amazon (which recently purchased Whole Foods) are becoming big players in the food industry, and this is really good news for the healthy food industry niche as well, as the availability of organic foods will only increase in the process.
All being said, the healthy food industry is not only growing by leaps and bounds in the number of consumers it caters to, but the choices of those healthy foods are growing as well. What’s more, a lot of restaurants have healthy options on their menu. It looks like the coming years are going to be the golden healthy years that will take us back to the good old times when our ancestors ate right.
When eating healthy was not a trend but simply something one did because it was the obvious thing to do.